Jamaica Offers Free Vacation To Rescued Chilean Miners, Rescue Team, Spouses

Deeply touched by the courageous spirit of the rescued Chilean miners, the Ministries of Tourism and Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade have partnered with Sandals Resorts International to offer the miners, rescue workers and their spouses a relaxing Jamaican vacation.

Tourism Minister, Hon. Edmund Bartlett made the announcement at a press conference in Montego Bay on Thursday, October 14, 2010, as he updated the media on the island’s readiness for Caribbean Marketplace to be held January 16-18, 2011, at the newly built Montego Bay Convention Center.

“As we celebrate the near completion of our Montego Bay Convention Centre, we must pause to give thanks to God for the miraculous rescue of the Chilean miners from their 69-day ordeal trapped underground,” Minister Bartlett said. “I have the highest praises for the Chilean government, their international partners and the rescue workers involved in bringing the miners to safety. The rescue of the 33 trapped miners is an amazing survival story and a miracle which will long be remembered,” he continued.

“This must be seen as not only an international event, but also a triumph of the human spirit,” said Gordon “Butch” Stewart, chairman of Sandals Resorts. “It is fitting and appropriate that we in Jamaica extend a loving hand to our brothers and sisters in South America who endured such a demanding ordeal, yet emerged victorious despite all odds.”

Minister Bartlett said his ministry, along with related agencies, would be working closely with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Sandals Resorts to ensure the miners, rescue workers and their spouses are able to enjoy a stress-free Jamaican vacation after spending more than two months anxiously awaiting what has happily resulted in a positive outcome.