JAMPACT Calendar Update: July – August 2007, New York

July 18th, 7pm General meeting and Think Tank Discussion Series on Education : ” Are our goverments failing our children?” at Ruder Finn 301 W. 57th St, 3rd fl

August 22nd, 7pm Elections and Education report at General Meeting at Ruder Finn 301 W. 57th St, 3rd fl.


Thursdays July 12th 6:30pm JAMPACT Lyming at Blue Mahoe Restaurant 243 E 14th ST. Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues

Thursdays August 16th, 6:30pm JAMPACT Lyming at Blue Mahoe Restaurant 243 E 14th ST. Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues

September 3rd All Day Labour Parade Volunteers needed for JAMPACT table

For more information email [email protected].