Music Industry Directory
The 4th edition of the Sounds of Jamaica – Music Industry Directory 2005 is now available. The publication – published by the Jamaica Promotions Corporation (JAMPRO) looks at the process of connecting suppliers in the sector for the promotion of professional services of the Jamaican entertainment to the world.
The publication lists registered practitioners and professionals like artistes, song writers, producers, educational institutions, promoters and producers – to name a few.
In recognising the importance of the publication, President of JAMPRO, Patricia Francis, says “over many decades Jamaica’s music has served to create an international identity for a country and people with a social conscience, people with soul, people who understand and enjoy life in its many forms and a people who perform at the very highest of world standards.”
Mrs. Francis added that with the leadership from some of our foremost entertainers in the industry, “there is now, more than ever, a base from which greater economic opportunities can be derived for Jamaican entrepreneurs. The potential for our music to be far more lucrative is evident. If the linkage industries, which complement and supplement the development of the sector are organized in a structured way the potential for further growth can be maximized.”
Film Commissioner, Del Crooks under whose portfolio the music industry falls commented that “of the island’s cultural industries, music leads the way as an internationally competitive Jamaican product and has the potential of earning a significant amount of foreign exchange, while attracting significant attention to the richness of the islands talent and creating employment opportunities for a large and diverse group of creative Jamaicans.” Mrs. Crooks however stressed that the professionals must be sought to ensure that the product maintains a high quality at all times.
In cautioning persons who do not follow standard and procedures, the President further stated that while Jamaica’s music enjoys international acclaim, there are the ‘best practices’ management approaches that have to be applied to ensure sustainability.
(JAMPRO) – – has as part of its mandate, the facilitation of the development of the sector through education and training programmes, which will provide the fertile ground to encourage ‘best practices’. The Film Commission, a division of JAMPRO is the unit with that responsibility – The book is on sale for J$500.