Internationally-recognized Caribbean company is on the look out for Jamaican New Yorkers interested in participating in a new focus group study.
The company, Courts (Jamaica) Ltd., will be conducting focus groups throughout New York City on June 27th, 2007 and June 28th, 2007. To qualify, nationals must be between 25-55 years old, be the main decision maker for the household and interested in buying from Courts for family members in Jamaica.
Participants cannot be affiliated with any furniture, appliance, electronic retailer or manufacturer, marketing/market research company, public relations or advertising agency.
Focus groups will take place on June 27th and June 28th in the Bronx at St. Luke’s Church, 777 E 222nd Street, and in Brooklyn at Freedom Hall Church of God, respectively. Those interested in taking part in these focus groups must email [email protected] or call 718-476-3616 to pre-qualify.
Selected qualified participants will be compensated.
Over the years, COURTS has sought to make owning furniture and appliances more affordable for its customers by constantly improving its credit terms. In September 2003, the company launched its Ready Finance program, the simple way to get credit. It allows you to make multiple purchases up to the value of a pre-approved spending limited.
COURTS has been an instrumental player not only in Jamaica’s economy, but has also contributed to the areas of health, sports, youth, environment and disaster relief. For over 20 years Courts has made significant contributions to the lives of tertiary and secondary students across the island through its Junior Management Programme (JUMP) and Manufacturers Apprenticeship Development Exercise (MADE). More than 1000 students have benefited from over 30 million dollars in financial assistance as well as intangible benefits that can never be quantified.
JUMP gives tertiary students an opportunity to gain a scholarship covering their final year tuition fee as well as working experience at one of Courts’ 29 locations. The MADE program gives fourth form students from technical high schools the opportunity to apprentice with the best furniture manufacturers in the island, while encouraging them to become more professional. They also receive a weekly stipend and a scholarship covering tuition.
Since staring its first operation in Jamaica in 1959, other overseas COURTS stores have been opened in 11 countries in the Caribbean. Courts continues to offer the public not only quality products at competitive prices but also exceptional customer care and service.
Felicia Persaud
[email protected]