JCDC Celebrates the 129th Anniversary of Birth of the Rt. Excellent Norman Manley

On Monday, July 4, 2022, the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC), an agency of the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, held a Floral Tribute at the National Heroes Park in Kingston to commemorate the 129th anniversary of the birth of national hero, the Right Excellent Norman Washington Manley.  A civic ceremony was also held at Manley’s birthplace in Roxborough, Southern Manchester.

JCDC Celebrates the 129th Anniversary of Birth of the Rt. Excellent Norman Manley1
Mr. Mark Golding, Leader of the Opposition prepares to lay his floral arrangement at the shrine of the Rt. Excellent Norman Manley, National Hero, during a floral tribute to commemorate the 129th Anniversary of his birth. The commemorative event was held on Manley’s birthday, Monday, July 4 at the National Heroes Park in Kingston.

Several members of the political directorate, notable leaders and supporters converged at the venues to pay homage to the national hero. Honourable Olivia Grange, CD, MP, Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, delivered the opening remarks at the function held in Kingston.  She highlighted that “
the country’s highest national honour was bestowed upon Mr. Manley as a reward for his lifetime devotion to selfless activities on behalf of his fellow Jamaicans.” She described him as “[one] of the nation’s founding fathers, a war hero, advocate extraordinaire, labour leader, politician, patriot…”

JCDC Celebrates the 129th Anniversary of Birth of the Rt. Excellent Norman Manley1
Mr. Mark Golding, Leader of the Opposition prepares to lay his floral arrangement at the shrine of the Rt. Excellent Norman Manley, National Hero, during a floral tribute to commemorate the 129th Anniversary of his birth. The commemorative event was held on Manley’s birthday, Monday, July 4 at the National Heroes Park in Kingston.
JCDC Celebrates the 129th Anniversary of Birth of the Rt. Excellent Norman Manley2
Dr. Angela Brown-Burke, MP, Chairman of the People’s National Party lay her floral arrangement at the shrine of the Rt. Excellent Norman Manley, National Hero, during a floral tribute to commemorate the 129th Anniversary of his birth. The commemorative event was held on Manley’s birthday, Monday, July 4 at the National Heroes Park in Kingston.

Floral tributes were laid at Manley’s shrine, at the National Heroes Park by Honourable Steadman Fuller, CD, JP, Custos Rotulorum of Kingston representing His Excellency the Most Honourable Sir Patrick Allen, ON, GCMG, CD,

KSt.J, Governor-General; Honourable Delroy Chuck, QC, MP, Minister of Justice representing the Most Honourable Andrew Holness, ON, PC, MP, Prime Minister; Mr. Mark Golding, MP, Leader of the Opposition; Councillor  Duane Smith, JP representing His Worship the Mayor, Senator Councillor Delroy Williams, CD, Mayor of Kingston; His Excellency Luis Del Solar Dorrego, Dean of the Dipomatic Corps; Dr. Angela Brown-Burke, MP, Chairman of the People’s National Party; Mr. Joseph Manley, Grandson of the Right Excellent Norman Washington Manley and Mr. Granville Valentine, CD, JP, General Secretary of the National Workers Union. 

JCDC Celebrates the 129th Anniversary of Birth of the Rt. Excellent Norman Manley3
Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport the Honourable Olivia Grange, CD, MP, pauses for a photo-op as she gives the opening remarks at the 129th Anniversary of his birth of the Rt. Excellent Norman Manley, National Hero, during a floral tribute. The commemorative event was held on Manley’s birthday, Monday, July 4 at the National Heroes Park in Kingston.
JCDC Celebrates the 129th Anniversary of Birth of the Rt. Excellent Norman Manley4
Joseph Manley, Grandson of the Right Excellent Norman Washington Manley places his floral arrangement at the shrine of the Rt. Excellent Norman Manley, National Hero, during a floral tribute to commemorate the 129th Anniversary of his birth. The commemorative event was held on Manley’s birthday, Monday, July 4 at the National Heroes Park in Kingston.
JCDC Celebrates the 129th Anniversary of Birth of the Rt. Excellent Norman Manley5
Honourable Steadman Fuller, CD, JP, Custos Rotulorum of Kingston representing His Excellency the Most Honourable Sir Patrick Allen, ON, GCMG, CD,
KSt.J, Governor-General places a floral arrangement at the shrine of the Rt. Excellent Norman Manley, National Hero to commemorate the 129th Anniversary of his birth. The commemorative event was held on Manley’s birthday, Monday, July 4 at the National Heroes Park in Kingston

The celebratory floral tribute also featured a dance performance by the Laud Dance Ministry entitled “Our Treasure”.

Norman Washington Manley was born in Roxborough, Manchester, on July 4, 1893. He was a brilliant scholar, athlete, lawyer and soldier in the First World War. He identified himself with the cause of the workers at the time of the 1938 Labour Riots and donated his time and advocacy to their plight. In September 1938, Manley founded the People’s National Party (PNP) and was elected its President annually until his retirement in 1969, 31 years later.