JCDC Names New Acting Executive Director

 The Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC) wishes to announce the appointment of Mrs Marjorie Leyden-Kirton as Acting Executive Director of the Agency. 

Mrs Leyden Kirton’s appointment comes on the heels of the departure of educator Ms. Daffodil Thompson who served as Interim Executive Director, after being seconded to the agency from the Ministry of Education for two years.

JCDC Names New Acting Executive Director
Ms. Thompson’s contract ended on October 31 and she has returned to her substantive post within the education system.

Chairman of the Commission Mrs Mexine-Bisasor thanked Ms. Thompson for her service and welcomed Mrs Leyden-Kirton to the post. “I wish to thank Ms. Thompson for her service in leading the organisation during a transitional period, and wish her the very best as she returns to her first love, education.  

Mrs. Leyden-Kirton is a 24-year veteran of the JCDC who has on previous occasions acted as Executive Director. Her substantive post within the organization is that of Director of the Community Cultural Development Services. “I am confident that Mrs Leyden-Kirton will be a steady hand at the helm of the organisation during this period” Chairman Bisasor added.