JOB TITLE: Full-Time Lecturer – Physical Education & Sport – Golf
LOCATION: University of Technology Jamaica
DESCRIPTION: Undertaking teaching across several undergraduate and graduate course work programs; Conducting research leading to grants and publications; Supervising high degree research students; Engaging in consultancy and professional projects; Contributing to the further development of the University; To provide evidence of research profile and academic/scholarly expertise; Offer teaching through a variety of means including lectures, practicals, small group tutorials, problem-based learning and ‘e-learning’ initiatives; To innovate in each of the above areas; Contribute to all aspects of teaching including course design, administration, as well as pedagogical research
QUALIFICATIONS: Either already in possession of a doctoral degree or with robust evidence that this is close to being achieved, as well as experienced in Golf; Demonstrate a clear commitment to combining research as well as teaching and show evidence of successful educational practice; An interest in developing services to industry standards will also be an important advantage
CONTACT INFORMATION: Vice President, Human Resources & Administration, University of Technology, Jamaica, 237 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6, Jamaica W.I.; Email: [email protected]; Telephone: (876) 927-1680-8 Extn. 2070