Description: Lead and/or participate in research projects of different types including evaluation research; Publish in the areas of Criminology and/or Criminal Justice with emphasis on the Caribbean; Supervise MPhil/PhD graduate research; Contribute to the life of the University and community outreach.
Qualifications: Have a PhD in Criminology, Criminal Justice or Sociology/ Psychology with a record of research and publication on crime and/or issues in criminal justice; Possess a significant record of achievement in independent research and some success in attracting research funding; Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate competence in quantitative research methods associated with Criminology and Criminal Justice. NB: Applicants are required to submit a curriculum vitae (inclusive of a statement on teaching and research interests) giving full particulars of qualifications, experience, the names and addresses of three (3) referees (one of whom should be from your present organization) and copies of academic qualifications; In order to expedite the selection process, applicants are advised to ask their referees to send reports under confidential cover to the above address without waiting to be contacted.
Contact: University Registrar, Office of Administration, The Vice Chancellery, UWI, Mona, Kingston 7
Jamaica, W.I.; Website:; E-mail: [email protected]
Application Deadline: June 30, 2012