Merritone Family Funday Launched In NYC

The 11th annual Merritone Family Fun Day, the largest Caribbean family event of its kind in North America was recently launched in fine style at the brand new multi million dollar Cox Nissan showroom, 3660 Boston Road, Bronx, New York.

Team Jamaica Bickle’s CEO Irwine Clare and his family (daughter Kayla, son Irwine, Jr. and wife Karen) were the proud recipients of the 3rd annual Caribbean American Family of the Year Appreciation Award’ which was presented to the family by Keith Cox, for being exemplary role models and in acknowledgment of their long-standing commitment to the greater Caribbean American community in the tri-state area.

“We are humbled and appreciative of this recognition award, that represents symbolisms and a way of life consistent with our family values. We are in deed honored to join the list of past recognized families, namely: radio pioneer Jeff Barnes and business entrepreneur Vincent Hosang, whom are true stalwarts in our community. This truly is family empowerment in progress,” Clare told the gathering.

“Congratulations to the Merritone Family on their staging of this annual event, an endeavor well conceived and orchestrated” he reiterated.

Clare’s Team Jamaica Bickle, has for the past several years worked with community organizations and businesses to host athletes from the Caribbean participating at the Penn Relays. In addition, Clare is the co-founder and managing director of the Queens, New York-based Caribbean Immigrant Services, Inc. (CIS), an organization founded in 1995 with the goal of mobilizing and empowering Caribbean Diaspora in the United States. He is a director of Caribbean World News Network and is the host of Caribbean Lifestyle TV which airs in New York on CIN Channel 73.

Also speaking at the launch reception, was event founder Conroy Allison who gave a general outline of plans for this year, arguing that it was the place where family, long lost friends and associated reunited each year.

The launch also saw tributes from Anton Tomlinson, Chairman of NYC ACT-SO and founder of the Union of Jamaican Alumni Associations (UJAA) who gave kudos to the organizers for recognizing and honoring the tremendous work and sacrifice that Clare and his family had given to the community and from Consul General of Jamaica to New York, Mrs. Geneive Brown Metzger, who in a letter to the organizers said, “Unfortunately due to my attendance at the Conference on the Caribbean, I will not be able to attend your event. My very best wishes for a successful event and congratulations on your 11th Anniversary.”

This year’s renewal will feature the Royal Caribbean Bakery Patty Eating Contest, Western Union ‘Kiddies Dance Contest,’ Karaoke, 25 different rides for children and the Tri-State Knockout Domino Competition, where teams compete for cash prizes, compliments of Western Union and a live performance from a popular vintage reggae artiste.

Merritone, featuring Winston and Trevor Blake, will provide musical selections, alongside Desu and DJ Roy & Stretch from Road International Disco.