The Jamaica Observer’s lead editorial today commends Irwin High School for building an $8-million solar energy system, calling it “an important step in that school’s journey towards self-sufficiency.”
All I have to add is “ah seh so too!”
The solar-energy system, which is expected to cut the school’s power bill by 25 per cent, is a shining example of the island’s ability to reduce its dependence on foreign petroleum products.
You would think that by now every hut and home in Jamaica would be powered by the sun or the wind — or both. Those two sources of energy are among the island’s most plentiful. The wind constantly rakes the mountainsides and the sun relentlessly bakes the plains.
And not only in Jamaica, but also across the Americas and throughout the world, everyone should by now be turning away from oil and embracing solar and wind technology. There is no excuse for continuing to depend on petroleum when technological advances have placed alternative — and clean — sources of energy within our grasp.
Come on, folks, let’s all follow Irwin High School’s example!