Letter to Our President Obama


I join with the multitude of millions as witnesses to this moment in history.

We congratulate you and share our well wishes for a successful new presidential  era.  We pray for your success because so much rides on your shoulders.

On this past Sunday, two of my daughters were fortunate to be present at the Lincoln memorial to get a glimpse`of you. They called excitedly about seeing you, Michelle, and the girls.  There was such a hopefulness in their tone.


We know that this hopefulness will be challenged by the enormous demands.  I pray that this new beginnings be reframed in authenticity and transparency.This will be needed as we embark on the difficult task of transformation from our present dire circumstance to a new mountaintop.

But for this day, we will relish this oasis of hope, dance, celebrate these moments, and then roll up our collectives sleeves, gather our equipment and become  mountain climbers tomorrow.
