Mandeville Hospital Receives Urology Equipment Absent in Many Hospitals

Urology patients at the Mandeville Regional Hospital (MRH) in Manchester  are to benefit from the use of a resectoscope, used in prostate and  bladder surgeries, and valued at J $1.1 million. 

Mandeville Hospital Receives Urology Equipment Absent in Many Hospitals1
Urology patients at the Mandeville Regional Hospital in Manchester are to benefit from the use of a resectoscope, used in prostate and bladder surgeries, and valued at J $1.1 million. Participating in the handover are: (left to right): Directors of the Manchester Wellness Foundation, Roydell Williams; Diana McIntyre-Pike; Valrie Tomlinson; CEO of the MRH, Alwyn Miller; the Foundation’s Secretary, Valerie Dixon and its Vice President, Jascinth Collins and Consultant Urologist at the MRH, Dr. K. Sean Jones.

The equipment and its accessories will be used for most of the endoscopic  surgeries performed in the urology department. Urology is the
branch of  medicine that focuses on the diseases of the male and female urinary  tract and the male reproductive organs. 

Consultant Urologist at the MRH, Dr. K. Sean Jones explained that this  piece of equipment, donated by the Manchester Wellness Foundation on  Monday, May 16, is of immense value and will be used weekly in the  urology department.  

Mandeville Hospital Receives Urology Equipment Absent in Many Hospitals2
Consultant Urologist at the MRH, Dr. K. Sean Jones (2nd right) receives the resectoscope from the Manchester Wellness Foundation which will be used in prostate and bladder surgeries, and valued at J $1.1 million.
Participating in the handover also are: CEO for the facility, Mr. Alwyn Miller (right) and Directors of the Manchester Wellness Foundation, Roydell Williams (left) and Valrie Tomlinson.

“Most of the hospitals don’t have this equipment and we have depended  on private equipment brought in. Many doctors have lost their expensive  lens and had to buy it back, so we will be looking after this very carefully.  Thank you very much Manchester Wellness Foundation as we move  forward with the operations of the department. This is what we started  using in the 20
th century and we are now in the 21st century, so we are  already one century behind but thank God we made it this far and we  plan to add item by item to our repertoire” Dr. Jones added.  

CEO for the facility, Alwyn Miller expressed gratitude to the Foundation for  assisting the hospital with its inventory of specialized equipment. 

“Some years ago one of my colleagues made the point of the value of  having the appropriate equipment in the hands of a specialist who knows  how to use it in terms of the intervention that can be made in the interest  of patient care. We are thankful that we have Dr. Jones who is a part of  our surgical team and who has given us guidance in terms of equipment  that can help in his particular service to many members of the population not only in Manchester but across the region. As he said it is not available  in many hospitals which points to the value in terms of it in his hands and in  terms of the intervention it can make with patients” Mr. Miller noted. 

The CEO lauded the Foundation for its exceptional dedication to assisting  health facilities in the parish, noting that the organization was able to raise  funds through a raffle despite the cancellation of its two main fundraising  activities, due to the COVID-19 restrictions.  

The Foundation was established in 2003 and since its inception, has  donated more than J $20 million to health institutions in Manchester, with  the mission of supporting health and wellness facilities in Manchester and  promoting holistic wellness.