In continuing our year-long celebration of literary excellence we highlight the iconic Dr. Maya Angelou (1928-2014), poet, author, civil rights activist.
Angelou’s work and influence spans the globe. Her iconic presence, wisdom and militant perspectives continue to be sources of inspiration for generations, affording access to the divine.
This month we highlight and celebrate Dr. Angelou’s vast contributions to the the literary sphere, to thought in general and as a source of insight into the human experience and potential.
What to expect:
– The work of Maya Angelou
– Tributes by Cherry Natural & Dr. Leachim Semaj
– Open Mic & Discussion Segment
We welcome contributions to the discussion segment and to the tributes honouring Dr. Angelou.
Our fellowships are hosted at the Edna Manley College Amphitheatre, 1 Arthur Wint Drive on the last Tuesday each month beginning at 7:30pm.