The Minister of Youth and Culture, the Hon. Lisa Hanna, MP has urged global leaders to ensure that the culture is given a central focus in the development agenda.
In her contribution to the Thematic Debate on Culture and Sustainable Development in the Post-2015 Development Agenda at the United Nations in New York on Monday, May 5, Minister Hanna called on leaders to “actively recognise that our people are the fibre which constitute the fabric of our societies and their needs must form the nucleus of our development agenda. Our priorities must not be accidental or coincidental but we must take control of the development agenda and implement policies and programmes that will address the critical needs of all humanity.”
The Minister said that the vision for Jamaica’s post-2015 development was inspired by the dreams and aspirations of its people.
Minister Hanna said that Jamaica is “position[ing] itself to leverage the significant economic and development opportunities emerging in the global marketplace” in the area of the cultural and creative industries.
She announced that Jamaica was “exploring ways to develop a framework/mechanism for streamlining the definition, classification, certification and registration of cultural practitioners and organisations” as a way of enabling creative people and organisations “in the realisation of economic gain as they pursue their talents”.
By Ministry of Youth & Culture