I am not a Roman Catholic, but from what I know of Pope Francis, I could easily become one. He bravely insists on following the path that I consider Christian, and those who don’t like it can do and say what they wish.
In his Christmas message, for example, he scourged the “bureaucrats” who have perverted the purpose of the Vatican.
According to an article in the Huffington Post:
Ticking off 15 “ailments of the Curia” one by one, Francis urged the prelates sitting stone-faced before him in the marbled Sala Clementina to use the Christmas season to repent and atone and make the church a healthier, holier place in 2015.
Obviously, he is unafraid of the prelates’ reaction. He answers to a higher power.
By reminding the world of basic Christian principles, he has angered Catholic politicians, as well as Catholic bishops and priests who misguidedly serve Mammon.
The reminder is long overdue.
Mother Church has far too often throughout history become a tool of the mighty, a propaganda machine designed to keep the masses in subjection.
With Francis at its helm, it is becoming the voice of the voiceless, the defender of the defenseless, a light shining in a world of darkness.
His is not the voice of a political leader or a secular power player. He does not pander to those who can keep the coffers of his church overflowing. He rebukes the exploiters, the self righteous and the judgmental.
He reminds us of transcendent values, of rewards beyond riches, power and popular acclaim.
He echoes the voice of Gentle Jesus, meek and mild, the One we prayed to as little children.
And must we not become again like little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?
Click for the Huffington Post article.
Click for political repercussions.
Click for an analysis of the Pope’s Christmas address.