Did Anderson Email Me?

andersonAs I read the emails, supposedly from CNN and touting some online work-at-home deal, it occurred to me that they had the tone and feel of one of those videos about curing diabetes by eating foods recommended in the Bible.

There were two emails. Official looking, with the CNN logo boldly displayed. One message, supposedly from Anderson Cooper (at right), quoted Warren Buffet. The other, attributed to “Faith Karimi and Joe Suttton,” quoted Donald Trump.

Both offered to make me rich beyond my wildest dreams just by using my home computer.

So had Anderson become a work-at-home shill? And was CNN in on it?

I doubted that very much. I was sure the emails were forgeries. Neither CNN nor Anderson would get mixed up in anything like that. And there’s so much fraudulent stuff circulating these days that I was convinced this was just another scam.

But I searched and searched in vain for confirmation of my suspicions. I even checked Snopes but didn’t find anything about these strange emails.

And then I found a report that Warren Buffet has issued a warning against “a web site using his image to promote a work-from-home offer.” Here’s an excerpt:

Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway took the unusual step of issuing a news release about the website that purports to show a CNN interview between Buffett and Anderson Cooper this summer.

Berkshire says Buffett has not spoken to Cooper in the last five years, and he hasn’t discussed Britain’s vote to leave the European Union with Cooper.

Buffett also says he doesn’t know anything about the “Global Cash Code” scheme touted on the site.

No word so far on the message quoting Trump. And nothing from Anderson or CNN.

I would think it takes a lot of  nerve to impersonate CNN and Anderson Cooper – not to mention Warren Buffet and Donald Trump, And I wonder who’s behind it.

Do you know anything about this outbreak of fishy emails?

If you know anything, post a comment. I don’t intend to sign up for one of those jobs posting links for Google, of course. But I’m curious.

The message quoting Buffet


The message quoting Trump