“Choose to abide in perfect peace by letting go of all thoughts that will seek to rob you of it.”
Kymarie McEwan
You might have woken up this morning and the first thing to greet you were the chattering voices in your head all vying for your attention. There are many deadlines to meet, and your thoughts are giving you the illusions that everything must to be done now!
Your day haven’t even fully started, and already you are experiencing a melt down. Your feelings of anxiety, fear, stress, inadequacies, insecurities and desperation are all a by-product of not being able to stop the chatter taking place in your head.
When you find yourself confronted with the consistent, unproductive mental chatter, the best thing you can do for your sanity is to STOP whatever you are doing in that moment and become aware of what is taking place. Identify the thoughts and acknowledge them. Resist the urge to beat upon yourself for not being in control and be still.
All that needs to be done,must be done in peace and harmony. Make a mental list of all task and prioritize. Eliminate those activities from the list that need to be completed another day and focus on only what needs your attention today. You don’t have to be a super hero, accept help from others and delegate some of your duties if you can. Once you have done all that is humanly possible, allow the peace of God to guide you every step of the way, just for today.
Positive Affirmation: I will allow peace to be my guide. I give myself permission to only do those things that are required of me today.