Ole Wagonist dem!

Candice Stewart – Yaadinfo Contributor

Now I am not an avid sport fan or anything, but i try to keep up with the latest news in the sport world, and I support our Jamaican athletes – win, lose, draw or drop out! I only wish that more of my fellow country men shared the same sentiments in their support of the men and women that represent us in the wide field of sport.

Usain - Milan
Image courtesy of Media Takeout . com

Yes, we are disappointed when our athletes do no not perform to the best of their abilities, but I think that comes with the territory of being a TRUE FAN. The support system that is needed should come from us – the regular, everyday men and women who are the judges of our athletes.

Now when our athletes are at the top of their game for a period of time and, for whatever reason (nothing to do with doping), another team or individual from another country takes the lead, we criticize and ostracize and all-kinda-cize them in every way possible! I personally frown upon such behaviour. If we are real Jamaicans who are proud to BE Jamaican then our athletes will have our support no matter what. We should support them when they excel and when they fall short.

My word to our track stars, our Sunshine Girls and our Reggae Boyz, and whomever else is thrown along the wayside the minute things get bad, “I love you and I am glad to know that you represent me and even ‘di ole wagonist dem‘!”.

Afterall, how will you know you have support unless we show it?…Mwah!!