It is a time honored tradition for a community to honor its heroes. Come Tuesday April 12, 2011 Team Jamaica Bickle; an organization that serves Caribbean athletes who compete at annual Penn Relays Carnival, will bestow such a honor on Mr. Donald O. Quarrie, five time Olympian; a hero on the track and holder of numerous gold and silver medals and awards. His exemplary career in track and field, which spanned three decades, is one to be emulated. He is a true gentleman on and off the field. Join us as we celebrate a great man at 214 Sullivan Hall, in Manhattan. Formalities begin at 7:00 p.m. and will end at 9 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m. and festivities will run thru midnight.
The Team Jamaica Bickle Penn Relay effort is anchored annually in its strong partnership with the Vincent Ho’Sang family, through its flagship brand Caribbean Food Delights and supported by the Vincent Ho’Sang Family Foundation.
Supporting sponsors are LIME, Grace Foods, Grace Kennedy Remittance Services thru its Bill Payment/Cross Border Payments, Western Union, UJAA, Air Jamaica/CAL, Tower Isle, and the Lomax Foundation.
TJB also receives support from Dennis Shipping, Trans Continental Shipping, Jamaica Air Express Couriers and Yardman Style Clothing.