On the 5th. day of Christmas a team of Jamaicans gave me Guidance

Just imagine if the inheritors of the Biblical Wise men were going to travel to Jamaica instead of Bethlehem.

They too will look to the heavens for guidance, but this guidance would be delivered in  a new way.  They would take advantage of the Caribbean’s first GPS navigation system, dubbed JAMNAV.



These wise men would avoid having to run into the criminal element, and they would be able to find houses of faith , along with their favorite foods, gas stations, ATM, and all the amenities needed for safe, comfortable travel with no unwanted drama.


These wise men would have a a special team of Jamaicans to thank for putting in place the capability. These are the folks from the Mona GeoInformatics Institute. This is a team that sparkle with the ingenuity of any silicon valley brain trust.

In ascending row order: Dr Parris Lyew-Ayee, Karen McIntyre & Dr Ava Maxam, Letitia Jacob & Shaniqueka Grant, Rochelle Branche, Lisa-Gaye Webb, Keisha Josephs & Rhona Wills, Alexander Grennell, Valerie Hoo-Fatt, Cedric Palmer, Jean-Mark Wright, Robert Robinson, Paul Greene, Cecil Reid



Paul Greene, GPS Navigation Systems Specialist

I had the distinct privilege to find out the details of this amazing system with  Mr. Paul Greene , GPS Navigation Systems Specialist. Mr. Greene took some time of of his busy day to share how his team put in place JAMNAV©.

Click to hear Paul Greene share JAMNAV© Genius


I was interested to see how folks were responding to this new capability.  See what Vincent Miller, Chief operating officer of MBJ Airports Limited   had to say about JAMNAV©.


“Wow, you sure have great customer service. This is great! Thank you again for all your help.  Your customer service skills are second to none. Very much appreciated. more friends will be purchasing 

JAMNAV© soon.  JAMNAV© works great!!!”


Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.

Douglas Bader