Pass dih Flittahs!

Fifty-one years, that’s more than half a century…and it’s how long the Darbys have been married. We celebrated with professor (now Dean–congrats!) Darby and Mrs. Darby on Sunday April 20 their post-Golden anniversary in true Jamaican style…in China no less.


Percival and Norma Darby marking the occasion
Percival and Norma Darby marking the occasion

Indeed, “who seh wih cyaa av authentic Jamaican food eena China?” Well, check out dih pikcha dem. Roun dih table, all yuh cud a hear is “pass dih ackee down ere soh nuh; a who a ole on to dih flittahs and fry dumplins? Mi nevva get no plantain! Then pon top a dat, wih lick back wid bun ‘n cheese and black weddn cake.”


Di ackee did nice yuh sih
Di ackee did nice yuh sih

Even faraway family and friends were enjoying the visual feast, through Skype. The Darbys’ daughter, Robin, blew kisses and wishes to her parents, while friend Gloria Christian raised her merlot-filled glass in honour of the couple.


Actually, you can’t get Jamaican food like this in China. It is thanks to the Darbys who brought their much loved island food with them that made this special occasion so memorable.


Heavenly flittahs
Heavenly flittahs
Sweet sweet Jamaica bun
Sweet sweet Jamaica bun
Black cake, a symbol of their wedding day
Black cake, a symbol of their wedding day

Yes indeed, it felt like we were sitting around the breakfast table in the heart of Kingston, not Tianjin, China. Even the Darbys’ Chinese guests, Qing Qing Li and Danqing Liu, were enjoying the experience. And, of course, the obligatory lesson in Jamaican patwa sealed the Jamaicaness of the day.


Not only did Qingqing and Danqing get an education in Jamaican food and customs, they also learned about Jamaican-Chinese and how they helped shape our beloved island. They also shared their culinary delights with us, adding a little Chinese spice through the jiaozi (dumplings filled with veggies) and cooked peanuts. It was truly a family affair, with lessons learned all around.



“It was nice to share our special day with my Tianjin family,” said Mrs. Darby.


Fifty-one years! Not many marriages last that long. Percival and Norma Darby are indeed an example of the unconditional love, patience, and selflessness that bonds two souls. If we all learn just one thing from their journey together, it would make our spirits shine brighter.


Happy Anniversary from all of us
Happy Anniversary from all of us

Peace, till next time. Dawn