Planning For Jamaica’s 50th Independence

Can I tell you just how frustrated I’ve been seeking information on our 50th Anniversary – for events in Jamaica, NY and the UK … how hard it has been to grasp the pieces and make some sense out of this? Toronto was third on my list after London and Kingston…. NY wasn’t even a thought!

My little niece would say with the finger pointing and twisting in the air to match the twisting body move: Aunty – uhuh – boooooring! And the other would say in a very deep Jamaican accent: What a stress!

The only thing I can say here after the 50th song controversy and my criticism (whether constructive or not) is considered harsh is poor Lisa. How hard was/is it to put out a press release about the whole affair. In fact, it’s still not too late.

Was I the only one? Apparently, not and with that being said, thank God for Observer columnist, Tamara Scott-Williams (yes they do serve some purpose; columnists, that is, wink, wink) for her article addressing this issue. Apparently, the Ja 50th Secretariat and Lisa feels that twitter and facebook will disseminate all this information effectively. As Scott-Williams points out, not a lot of Jamaicans access the internet so….. what gives here?–please_11995620

My further painful research finally pieced together some sort of order of what’s happening for our 50th in Kingston and the diaspora. In fact, this whole point of releasing schedules on a timely basis reminds me of back in the days Air Jazz which is held annually at the end of Jan. One would log onto their website as often as you wanted in the Oct/Nov prior to the event desiring to put forward a vacation request and book a flight based on the artiste one wanted to see and – nothing! It just wasn’t happening. By the time they had the line-up it was too late to request vacation and also get a good airfare! Yes, indeed, stress!

So, after some surfing – here goes….. I’ve tried for some kind of order….but not enough time, again – stress! In addition to what I have below, you can find a listing which includes other cities under –

Kingston – Welcome to the official website of the Jamaica 50 Celebrations
Welcome to our new and interactive website. Our objective is to provide our visitors with chockfull of information on everything planned to celebrate Jamaica’s Golden Jubilee. We hope you will use the site as a source of reference for the events planned. Please note that our period of celebration begins on June 28 with our National Senior Athletic Championships at the National Stadium and the Jamaica Defense Force Military Tattoo at Up Park Camp. Events will continue through to the end of 2012.
Check out our Schedule of Events.*+50*
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London –
Jamaica House’ Opens in London August 3

Jamaica 50 UK Celebrations Event Calendar

Toronto –

New York – nothing much happening except for here and there events that are apparently Ja 50 endorsed. Whatever! The few announcements came out within the last two weeks. Folks were asking me as to why I’m not doing my Caribbean Emancipation event and celebrating the 50th of both Jamaica and Trinidad…..and yes I was the first who started doing that…and the copycats are now in full swing….flattery hey?! Gala to be held on Saturday, August 19.