Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller, led her Cabinet and House members into worship and thanksgiving at the Portmore New Testament Church of God, yesterday, with a passionate charge to continue opening their hearts to divine intervention, as they work to develop the country and improve the welfare of all Jamaicans.
Citing the “awesome responsibility” that comes with national leadership, particularly given the challenges facing the country at this time, the Prime Minister advised her team to “work hard,” but to pause to seek God’s guidance and observe “the fulfillment of the Lord.”
“We must put our hands in the hands of the Almighty…ask for special blessings to take Jamaica to a better place, to progress and prosperity for all Jamaicans,” she said.
Head of the 3,000 strong congregation of the evangelical church, Dr. the Rev. Wellesley Blair, in his message, called for the country to be developed in the interest of all Jamaicans.
Using the analogy of tourism development, Rev. Blair said that the roads should be improved, not merely for the comfort of visitors; neither should the country’s beaches be developed and made accessible to tourists only, but should be for the benefit and enjoyment of all Jamaicans.
He said that Mrs. Simpson Miller has been elevated to leadership of government at a time of great challenges and very high expectations of “miracles overnight.”
Rev. Blair argued that while “Jamaicans expect miracles, not realising the challenges,” the government must do all it can to fulfill promises and expectations, but when difficulties arise, “must tell them the true situation…hide nothing from the people, tell us the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”
He encouraged the Prime Minister and her team to “put God first and he will lead you on; engage in less talk and more action and to let unity reign in your ranks.”
Rev. Blair commended Mrs. Simpson Miller for advancing the cause of the country’s sovereignty and advised her not to feel threatened by anyone, while promoting what is in the best interest of Jamaica and its people.
The Thanksgiving Service attracted worshippers from the spectrum of denominations as well as visitors and distinguished guests, including United States envoy to Jamaica, Ambassador Pamela Bridgewater.