Poem: 4mySisters

Photo credit: Thought Catalog

Even though we were separated,

Across the Caribbean Sea—Jamaica,

I remember you, as I go along:

Our ancestral spirit carries us,

Through, a path, away from our,

Mother’s tongue:

Yet God was there—all along:

In our insecurities, doubts, shame,

Division, shakes us, scared us, break us,

Uplift us—change us, to experience,

The peace of God’s wisdom:

Still, I remember you Sis—our mother’s tongue:

As I go along, I thank you, Sovereign Spirit,

Cause, you, pour out your mighty love,

You never leave us; You forgave us,

And allow us—my sisters, to

“Sing, God’s Prophetic songs!

Empress Journee