Photo Credit: Valentina Conde so many faces so many eyes some are genuine, some are certified: Some are not; some are revealing wishing to see us flourish, wishing to see us unite: some, are unforgiving, wishing to see us divide: some are joyful, with a magnificent presence, great energy, that brightens one’s life: some are in disguised of their true intentions to see us fruitful, to see us rise: yet, our maker, is setting things right while we are awake and asleep at night give thanks for the breath of life: so many faces so many eyes giving lessons that one should be wise of the face, the heart, the gaze, that may be bias, broken, angry, at one’s presence, posture, looks, expression and the various bondage, that are there, to keep us, from being free, keep us from being wise, to keep us hopeless, feeling low, to keep us feeling unwelcome, about, the masterpiece and the maker of our lives. © 2023 Empress Journee