Photo Credit: Eyestetix Studio In the silence, your music play, expressively, Fluently, strong, eloquently, minister to my soul, Soothe the void—loss, of once were, Gone — is to be: In the whisper of the night, I tell myself; I am that shining star, Shining ever so bright, above the sky; Touching oceans, that travel so wide; Its beauty, cannot be hidden, from our, Delicate eyes: Light up, the whole universe; “You bet, overflow with joy, in our hearts, And in our smiles!” Pour out from the hidden places, And peace will be closer, "We won't have to say goodbye; “This year, I embrace a new thought, view, A new style and I sure hope, I'll be wise: An enlightening, New year, A change, for you & I, Whether we are awake, or asleep; Let our heart, beat songs of peace: As we welcome a safe, day, evening, And a restful night!” Empress Journee 'Happy New Year 2022!!!!