Poem: Another Person Dream

Photo Credit: Jennifer Ranicki

Mama, there was a time

I wish to be married

To be loved—truly

By a man that respect himself

Respect me—faithfully

At the time I did not know

I had lessons to learn

About what it means

To love, to look at my own flaws,

My own imperfection,

My own incapability

And that love was more

Than what I dream,

Beautiful, adventurous, joyful

Gracious, built on trust

Having good friends that cares

Enough for each other

Cares enough to stand with me.

Mama, there was a time

I felt the world was safer,

Because you were with me

Now, I can see that the story

Was unrealistic hope, for another person

That is brilliant, stronger, fiercer,

Mightier, healthier—I saw now in my dream.

Empress Journee