Poem: Can You Dance
Photo Credit: David Hofmann

“Can you dance my dearest heart?”

Even when there’s no one around

To a beautiful melody, that is tasteful,

Fluent, balletic, love song

Singing from the eyes: “Can You Move?”

Somewhat like Alvin Ailey,

The visionary, powerful and the graceful,

Fierce, Judith Jamison & Kathrine Dunham:

“Can You Dance has if it was your first,

Last steps, with your head held high

Minds deep in thoughts

With hands speaking poetic notes,

Reaching to the sky: "Can you dance?"

Where the body transforms like

A graceful swan, leaving mouth speechless

And a mighty “Wooooow!” Not even a sigh!

“Can You Dance?” Like you've touched souls,

That seems lost, wishes to fly:

And your feet makes heartfelt powerful music,

That brings honor, great memories,

Of admiring distinguished people dance:

“Can You Dance and let the sun rise,

The moon smile, the star shine

Souls feel alive?” “Can you dance with freedom

My love, like the sky?” “Can you dance?

As great dancers soar — fly, fly, fly high

Can you dance? Can you really dance — my love?”

That sway all hearts to romance, like the mighty sky!

Empress Journee