In my home Christmas brings hope, of a new song
With jolly hearts, notes of a parent’s love:
And Christmas gifts—the breath of God
In my home, there is colorful lights, memories,
Of rich, choir doves, and wealth, of great family hugs:
Delightful feast—that feed the hungry, when love,
Meets weary feet, warm cups of chocolate love:
In my home, beautiful smiles, love never leave, too long
But returns, with hope, great news, bringing joy
Of the wealth of a mother’s love and dad’s mighty hug:
In my home nothing but gratitude to know we are loved
And the memories of one amazing royal angel, Christmas dove:
This is what I ask the one above, to have those who are chosen
to be my parents upon this earth to bring nothing but great,
Wise, kind, respectful and compassionate—love.
Empress Journee