Poem: Fight for Your Marriages

Photo Crédit: Jakob Owens

Some fight for their love;

They see, being together, with integrity,

Brings great victory: And love, to them,

Is far more than momentarily,

Far more than a mere dream:

Some walk away, because they saw,

No value, no growth, they saw,

Pure difficulty: No worth,

To even dream; that they are not

Such a wonderful team:

Some wait and hope, true love,

Will find them, true love will meet,

Them discreetly, through prayers,

As they plead and plead,

To an unknown, they know nothing of,

They have never seen: While ‘void,’

Remind them of the ‘ill game,’

Call conveniency:

“Fight For Your Marriages,” I hear them say:

“Are they really talking to me?”

Empress Journee