Photo Credit: Laura adai
I Am Thankful, for the Sun, the Moon, Stars—the Sky:
The Ocean, Earth, Silence— Mankind!
I am thankful for the experience, joy and tears, you bring to me
And wiping the crystal rain, from my eyes;
For the days and nights: I thank you for my life, the blessings you gave,
And the precious prenatal chamber, that allows me to feel love,
And fill with smiles: Good morning, Jesus, I thank you for the great men,
And women who teach us etiquette, the holidays, honoring you,
And prayers that save my life: I thank you God, for the many blessings,
Lessons, for healers, my loves ones, friends gone, friends present;
For those who have pass on, into the light: I thank you for the scriptures,
That teach me to be wise: Thank you for what I should know,
And what I should not know: for those who have seen,
Your beautiful light and for those who wave, out of respect and say hi:
Good Morning Lord! I thank you Lord, for those, who have made great sacrifice:
Great mystical singers—to uplift our hearts, our minds, for the rich, wealthy,
The poor, for—my sight! I thank you for your forgiveness, for those,
Who know love, wish to feel love and be love, those with beautiful,
And brilliant mind & for those who may have passed me by:
And as I end this poetic scripture, I wish to say, I love you Lord,
I love you Lord, I love you Lord; I ask you, please stay with me,
And allow me to have a restful and precious night!!
Empress Journee