Photo Credit: Dawid Zawiła
I Am in your presence Lord, where shame, fear,
Guilt, insecurities, no longer, a captive,
Or have a hold on me: Singing songs gracefully,
Blessings, to the King of all Kings,
Lord of all Lords, and your crown,
I’ll place, so graciously, at your feet,
With joy, ever so happily:
I Am in your presence Lord,
Because you’ve saves me, oh, so,
In your humility! Thank you for allowing me,
The honor to see, your great, radiant light,
Shining, so gloriously, clearly,
Oh, so magnificently! Free, of all kinds of,
Systemic isms and deceit: “Yes, Lord!”
I Am in your presence; your glorious light — Jesus,
Has always surrounded me; “I am in your Presence,
I am in your presence, I am in your presence,”
Jesus, save and help me, to surrender all to thee!!!
Empress Journee