Photo Credit: Larisa Birta
I wish to be in the promise land,
Even when I do not understand — God’s plan
I wish to rise above the ocean,
With the help of God presence, who will lead
And take my hand: I will be victorious,
Because the Lord, I know, have magnificent things,
In store for us: I hope I abide by his condition,
And he hears my voice, as I strive to do his mission:
I have divine life, divine life, I have divine life,
Operating in me, this why the King is the victory:
I am walking with a smile, keeping my eyes on the prize,
As I rise hoping, I get there just in time:
Someone is praying for me, someone is praying for me,
Someone is praying for me; could it be you, as well as me?
I am dancing to the Caribbean righteous songs,
Peace, joy, magnificent steel pan:
I sing and sing, cause God is the one:
I am singing joyous melody, that lift my spirit up,
Higher conscious thoughts, yes, to his song:
I give God the glory, when I am alone and feel empty:
I believe, I poetically believe, peace is in me:
God is praying for me, many are praying for me,
God is the victory and that’s why I must believe,
Cause the divine presence, is operating in me!
Empress Journee