Poem: Should I forget

Poem: Should I forget

Photo Credit: Josefin

Your great, affectionate charm—your smiling face,

How you held my frame—within your arms?

“The laughter, dance, your great mind, powerful walk,

And weep—endlessly?”

“Should I blame the world, foolishly—that I didn’t,

Think things out—carefully?”

And feel as if, life was solely against, you and me!

Should I my dearest love—thank the Universe,

For waking me, out of a dream, turn sad;

The absence of your presence that brought,

Great conscious joy—to you and me?

Should I thank you, for all you do, so that I could see,

The path, journey, the steps—I took,

That waken the greater, part of me,

So that I could, see you—reality!

Empress Journee