Poem: The Wise Souls
Photo Credit: Olga Zabegina 

I woke up this morning, 

Giving thanks for this day;

To excellence, set things right,

Move forward, greatness,

Opened my eyes every day:

Only the players know the South,

North, West, East — Way: 

I saw a bright light, I thought,

About my duty, that seems simple, 

Yet great, somewhat, like the sun, 

And the moonlight, bright then grey:

Lots of work, no time for play, 

So it seems every day: 

Great things are happening-I say: 

Fall, Autumn, Winter, Spring, 

Especially the Month of May: 

A chance to see victory,

In its fullest display:

For those who are so brilliantly wise,

Doing their thing, to bring order, 

Peace, in all city states, county, 

Countries, & the U.S.A: Giving hope, 

To all, each and every day: The sports, 

Hero’s — sheroes, makes us proud,

When we win the big game: 

The bells ring out loud, entertainers,

Singing uplifting & glorious songs, 

Great vibes, informative words, singing: 

“Hallelujah!” to all, makes us proud,

Each and every day, “Hip, hip, hooray!”

Empress Journee