Photo credit; Kamakshi Subramani
“You want to know my prayer; that is personal, between God and I!”
And even when I feel like declining, it seems, you have all the answers:
I thought about, “What would God do in this situation?”
Still, you have all the answers, “Why we should pray,
Communicate—worship together: “You call ‘A day of pampering!”
“I call a day of wanting to know my thoughts, and my whereabouts,
As I allow myself to hear you out, cause I find that your ‘intrusion,’ will not stop,
Until you have won over wanting; To have what you want, in your meddling,
Searching, your loneliness, your hurt: I comply, to the urge of your insistence.
And forgive myself—for not liking my submission.
Empress Journee