Pregnancy & Delivery

It has been a while since I have logged in to write. Reason being I had a very difficult pregnancy and a near death delivery. I have come away with three

life lessons:

1. Trust your instincts

2. Know your body and never be afraid to call your OB over something that others think is trivial

3. Trust in the creator or God whoever he may be to you as when all things fail he will see you through

My pregnancy from the beginning was painful. But my doctor sent me to do a ultra sound which showed nothing. I had done a previous  c section so they thought the  pain from that was due to that c section cut.  But in my mind I knew something was wrong. I kept feeling this pain in my left side that as time went along got worse. Still no explanation after two ultra sounds. So I thought maybe I am just overreacting. But I noticed signs along the way that everything was not ok.

Based on past experience and what was happening I registered at UWI just in case something went wrong I had an option. Let me tell you the hours spent waiting to see on OB on your app.t day was crazy. I would have a 3pm appt and had to go at 12pm just ensure I saw the doc early to get back home in time to pick up my son from school. After three appts. and less than satisfactory care and concern I gave up and returned to my private doctor who answered my every call and concern during the entire process even though I was registered elsewhere. Let me tell you that was the single most best decision I ever made as it was life saving.

36 Weeks on from the night before I started having pains I waited a while but by the next morning I knew something was wrong and rushed to the hospital. Long and short I had my son via c section but then found out during surgery what the issue was, placenta accreta which led to further complications and an additional surgery and time spent in intensive care and after many efforts the docs telling me they had done all they could do, there is nothing more that can be done. But thanks to my doc he tried everything and thanks to alot of prayers I am alive to tell the tale.

I seriously want to say a big thank you to all the nurses on the maternity ward at Andrews Memorial. In the last moments when everyone thought the end was near she held my hand and prayed with me, I just felt a calm come over me. Also to Dr. Walcott my OB and Dr Murray my anesthesiologist and Pediatrician Dr. Miller for taking care of my son all the days he spent in the hospital and to all the assistant surgeons and to my 2 ICQ nurses . They stuck with me to the end and back. Spending countless hours at the hospital with me through the days. I would never be here without them.

I am happy to say my 5 pound baby boy is now 10 pounds at 7 weeks.

Below are some pics of the joys of my life:


My son at the hospital waiting on during one hospital visit. He was such a trooper