Irie Jamboree 2009 Media Accreditation

The media accreditation for Irie Jamboree, North America’s premier reggae festival has now started and we welcome all bona fide media organizations, reporters and journalists to cover the event. Preference will be given to organizations and individuals with a proven track record of covering Irie Jamboree or other events in the past. Each application is considered on a case-by-case basis. Irie Jamboree reserves the right to deny or withdraw accreditation of journalists who abuse the privileges so extended. We would love to receive copies of your reports for our files and so we invite you to email them to us. We also welcome your feedback on your experience with our new accreditation procedures this year.

Irie Jamboree Media Accreditation Process

1. Each person accredited will be issued an armband and a photo ID that will allow free access to the event and designated press areas.

2. All media requests must be submitted online at All fields on the application form must be completed along with a recent passport sized photograph.

3. Completed accreditation forms must be received no later than Monday, August 31, 2009 when applications will close. Persons applying for accreditation outside of this period will not be guaranteed a pass.

4. Once an application for accreditation has been processed, you will receive a confirmation emailed advising of the type of pass allocated.

5. When collecting your pass, you must present the confirmation email, a valid photo ID and proof of media affiliation.

Irie Jamboree Media Center – (Saturday, September 5)

Double Tree JFK Hotel, 135-30 140th Street, Jamaica, New York, (718)-322-2300  

The Irie Jamboree Media Center will be open for press pass pick up on Saturday, September 5th from 12noon – 6pm. Signs will be posted at the entrance of the hotel with the exact location of media room.

Irie Jamboree Will Call – ( Sunday, September 6)

York College Outdoor Complex

The Irie Jamboree ‘Will Call’ for press pass pick up on event day will be open from 12 noon – 4pm sharp!