Further to my statement to this House last Tuesday, the Governor-General has today been advised to appoint a Commission of Enquiry to enquire into and report on the issues relating to the extradition request for Christopher Coke by the Government of the United States of America, the manner and procedure in which the said extradition request was handled by the Government of Jamaica, the circumstances in which the law firm Manatt, Phelps & Phillips was retained and its role in relation to the said extradition request and the role and conduct of various public officials and private persons and organizations in relation to any or all of the aforesaid matters.
The specific Terms of Reference of the Commission are:
1. To enquire into:
(a) The issues relating to the extradition request for Christopher Coke by the Government of the United States of America;
(b) The manner and procedure in which the said extradition request was handled by the Government of Jamaica and the role and conduct of the various public officials who handled the extradition request;
(c) The circumstances in which the services of the law firm Manatt Phelps & Phillips were engaged in relation to any or all of the matters involved, by whom were they engaged and on whose behalf they were authorized to act;
(d) Whether there was any misconduct on the part of any person in any of these matters and, if so, to make recommendations as the Commission sees fit for the referral of such persons to the relevant authority or disciplinary body for appropriate action.
2. The Commissioner shall make a full and faithful report and recommendations concerning the aforesaid matters and transmit the same to the Governor-General on or before February 28, 2011.
The Commission shall be comprised of:
Hon. Emil George Q.C., O.J. (Chairman) (Attorney-at-Law)
Hon. Anthony Irons O.J. (Retired Permanent Secretary)
Mr. Donald Scharschmidt Q.C (Attorney-at-Law)