Pushing For Gold – Jamaica Bobsled Foundation – Contribute Today

The Jamaica Bobsled team first started as a team in 1987.The four of us-Dudley Stokes, Michael White, Samuel Clayton and me Devon Harris, shared a room at the a place called the  Panama Motor Inn-perhaps the seediest place in all of Calgary at the time.

Without sponsors, we sold T-shirts in order to fund our dreams

We sold those things EVERYWHERE! There were many nights that we slid up beside a couple on the dance floor with a bag of shirts under our arms, whip one out and go…”Hey, man, you wanna buy a shirt?”

Oftentimes the guy would say “no”, but the girl said “yes”, and would end up paying which meant we had dinner for the next day. We literally had to sell shirts in order to eat.

That was almost 30 years ago. We had a dream, and many people around the world who believed in that dream supported us. 

The next generation of Jamaican bobsled dreamers has started their preparations for the next season and we would like to take you along for the ride through our new television reality show. 

You will:

  • Get to know and learn more about the athletes-their dreams, desires and motivations
  • See strangers develop amazing team chemistry and esprit de corps
  • See how athletes train in Jamaica for the Winter Olympics
  • Learn about the history and culture of the places where the team trains and competes
  • Be treated to the drama and intrique of a long bobsled season

In short, you will get a backstage pass to see what it takes to transform a Jamaican track athlete into a world class Olympic bobsledder.

In order to realize this dream we are asking for your help. By making a pledge you will help us raise funds to get these athletes through this winter’s competitive season which will be captured on film. If things go well, we hope to continue the coverage of the team’s journey all the way to the 2018 Olympic Games 30 years after the initial run of the team in 1988.