Raising new Davids -The Secret Sauce of our Community’s Progress

The global yearning we all face is that of  finding  and investing in trusted, and true leadership.  Yes leadership that will tackle the Goliath-size challenges we face, provide solutions based in principle rather than misplaced hope.


Well, there is a young man with David-like courage that has raised his hands to say put me in the battle, I think I can make a difference. He is:



 Sylbourne Sydial, a new Goliath slayer


Sylbourne was recently selected to run for Councilor in Catford South Lewisham for the conservative party.Election day is May 6, 2010.


This town is a very diverse community and he is dedicated to provide effective representation to those who are at the margins of society, who do not even have a slingshot, much less any rocks to slay the monster problems they face. He is well regarded for his body of work on behalf of the Jamaican community. He founded an independent think tank, Facilitators for a better Jamaica (FFBJ) in 2003.

Dominic Geive, the Conservative Shadow justice secretary boldly declared Sylbourne’s record of promoting integration and involvement and is confident in Sylbourne being a positive difference maker for those who he will serve.


Simon Woolley, director and commissioner of the Equality and Human Opportunity rights body  shared similar  from his involvement in the Operation Black Vote (OBV) initiative, and highlighting his unquestioned commitment to social and racial justice.


Like most folks, my level of cynicism has risen for those in the political arena as I see promises turn to midnight pumpkins once they are elected.  I wanted to find out for myself how solid this candidate was, thus an interview.


Click to listen to Sylbourne share.


I have taken a few days to digest what Sylbourne shared in this insightful interview.  Here is my reflection.


That famous George Bernard Shaw sentiment echoes in my head when I listen to and observe Sylbourne in our virtual community on Facebook.

You see things; and you say, “Why?”  But I dream things that never were; and I say “Why not?”


I then applied my personal definition of exceptional leadership.

Informed Passion + Emotional Intelligence = Great Leadership.


Does the candidate possess  the passion to change a community and do they display the self-awareness and the emotional intelligence to monitor and manage their responses, and build power to realize change ?.




Too often, we make a choice for a candidate based on his/her personal appearance or the eloquence of his/her speech, or some label we use to sterotype folks. Suppose we used  the stoutness and integrity of his/her heart as the metric. Would that make a difference?  My hope is that the folks of Catford would use this new metric and get a winning representative for their town.


I have a good feel about Sylbourne Sydial. I have a great sense that Sylbourne has several smooth stones to defeat the Goliaths in Catford and beyond.


“I believe that we, as humans,collectively can make the world a better place”.

Sylbourne Sydial