Reach One Child “ROC” Inspires Jamaican Primary School Students to “Stand for Something”

The Reach One Child “ROC” Foundation, founded and led by entertainer Cherine and Patrick Lindsay, will launch its 4th annual ROC School Tour under the theme “Stand 4 Something”. The 2015 staging of the tour is produced and executed by a passionate group of young professionals, “ROCstar” mentors, who are all volunteers. The ROC team will visit seven schools between January 28 through March 31, 2015. A list of participating schools are Port Royal Primary, Clan Carthy Primary , Holy Rosary Primary, Norman Gardens Primary, Rollington Town Primary, St. George’s Girls Primary and St. Aloysius Primary.

ROC’s “Stand 4 Something” school tour aims to motivate and empower students at the primary level through various team building and leadership activities and discussion groups. According to Cherine “Our mission with the school tour is to inspire these young students to become positive agents of change in their schools and communities while fulfilling their academic potential.”

Over the past three years, the tour has reached approximately 5,000 students in more than twenty primary schools across the island. It has garnered support from professionals in areas such as Medicine, Entertainment, Business, Law, Sports, Engineering and Media, who serve as motivational speakers for the program and continue to be an invaluable resource to the students. Additionally, the tour has been the catalyst for the ROC Scholarship Programme, which provides GSAT graduates with tuition, textbooks, school supplies and in some cases uniforms throughout high school.  It has earned a high approval rating among the students and has led to the formation of a student-led service club, ROC Club International, in an East Kingston Primary school.
Principal of Rollington Town Primary School, Dr. Margaret Bailey adds, “The tour has influenced the children in such a positive way. It has raised their self esteem tremendously and they are excited about being the change they want to see in their communities and Jamaica at large. They are more motivated and this is reflected especially in their behavior and their attitude towards their school work”.
The ROC “Stand 4 Something” School Tour is made possible by the directors of the ROC Foundation with additional support from US based company Goodeye Development Group LLC , Cherine TV , and ROC.iT Youth magazine.