Read Across Jamaica Foundation Named ‘Honoree’ Of The “One Love” Bob Marley Award

Read Across Jamaica Foundation has been recognized by DC Reggae Music Awards Program as an Official Honoree of the “One Love” Bob Marley Award. This award will be presented on February 27, 2010 at the Nativity House, 1237 Peabody Street, NW, in Washington, DC. The “One Love” Bob Marley Award is given to individuals or organizations internationally; those involved in or that promote Reggae music within the Washington, DC Metropolitan area over a given period of time and to those who make an impact on the community.

Read Across Jamaica Foundation, Inc. (RAJ) is receiving the “One Love” Bob Marley distinction for their advocacy and outreach efforts to the Reggae Music industry and in the Jamaican community. Through their outreach initiative, RAJ has been helping schools in Jamaica to improve student achievement since 2004. The main focus of RAJ is to promote basic literacy skills and introduce various methods of encouraging children to read, ultimately, helping to change attitudes about reading as a form of entertainment and “edu-tainment”.

“We are very pleased and humbled to be recognized by The DC REGGAE MUSIC AWARDS committee for our efforts. We have been working with schools and communities in Jamaica and reaching out to communities in the U.S. to help support this effort – not an easy task,” said Ja’nice Wisdom, Founder and Executive Director, Read Across Jamaica Foundation. “This is a wonderful reward for the works we have done advocating awareness for basic literacy skills and reading. In light of the declining economy, the focus on Haiti and the changes proposed in the education system in Jamaica, it is especially imperative that we unite [collaborate] and share resources. Young professionals like me are the next generation gatekeepers and we must not forget about our children in Jamaica. We cannot afford to take for granted the visions of our fore-fathers/mothers as it relates to “our village”. The ability to read and excellence in education cannot be sacrificed any longer”.

The Read Across Jamaica Foundation’s commitment to service proves they are all about communities. The community is invited to participate in their Journeys to Jamaica to read, recite and encourage children. Volunteers participate as Literacy Ambassadors during Education Week, May 1-9, 2010. Culture Reggae Artist “Princess Thundah” and Reggae Hip Hop Artist “Cherri Poet” will be among the Literacy Ambassadors travelling with the Read Across Jamaica team this year. Contributors may donate books and school supplies during Black History Month in February extending through March 15, 2010. They have a goal to fill 30 barrels which will be distributed during the island-wide bus tour. Sponsorships are welcomed.