Rolling Stone writer “…it doesn’t seem like she has much commercial appeal..” – The Tessanne Chin naysayers are already out
Tessanne Chin
Tessanne Chin

Rolling Stone magazine has an article today which seems to “rain”on the parade of Tessanne Chin win on ‘The Voice”. Some of the points seems biased but the sales statics if true is quite telling.  It is why we have to continue supporting  Tessanne Chin. A great way to start is by buying “”Tumbling Down,”

Below is a snippet from the article on Rolling Stones

While Tessanne offers an interesting media hook as the first mixed-race non-American (she’s Jamaican, lest we forget) to win a major U.S. reality singing competition, it doesn’t seem like she has much commercial appeal beyond that. Can she sing? Of course. The woman barely hit a bad note all season. But powerhouse female vocalists are a dime a dozen these days, especially ones that come from reality TV, so she’ll really have to step it up to stay afloat.

So far, Season Three winner Cassadee Pope is the show’s biggest star, but she’s no Carrie Underwood. In Season Four, the show banked on winner Danielle Bradbery, whose recently released debut album only sold 41,000 copies in its first week. So Chin doesn’t have to reach very high to become a success story. But it doesn’t bode well for her that during the finale, right before she was declared the winner, a commercial aired for the February premiere of Season Six. Because The Voice isn’t about the winner, it’s about watching The Voice. So, yeah, bon voyage, Tessanne! You’re already in their rearview mirror.