LOCATION: Ministry of Health, Kingston
Description: Conduct a situational analysis of the laws, policies and systems related to, affecting and that impact patient confidentiality particularly in relation to HIV within the public health care sector and submit recommendations to address gaps and weaknesses identified.
Qualifications: Tertiary level qualification in public health, law or equivalent; At least five (5) years experience in law and/or policy development within the public sector, planning and management; Must have experience in conducting research and data analysis; Good communication and writing skills; Familiarity with HIV and AIDS issues particularly anti-stigma and discrimination and openness and experience with people living with HIV and AIDS; Experience in the field of health would be an asset
Contact: Director, Policy Enabling Environment & Human Rights, National HIV/STI Program, Ministry of Health, 4th Floor, 2-4 King Street, Kingston, Jamaica; Email: [email protected]. NB: Interested individuals may contact [email protected] for a detailed Terms of Reference.
Application Deadline: February 27, 2012