Sorting out Logical Conflicts in”Conservative” Agenda

The kids at school back in Jamaica had a term for it. They called it “puss logic.” I suppose the correct English word is sophistry. But whatever it’s called, it won the midterm elections in the USA.

So much of the “conservative” agenda is logically inconsistent.

I can’t see how:

They want government to stay out of citizens’ lives – yet they want abortion criminalized and “gay” marriage banned…

They are furious because stem cell research might destroy a few embryos but they ferociously support the death penalty and waging war…

They want to end welfare, privatize Social Security and roll back the social programs created over the past seventy-five years but they don’t object to government subsidies to Big Oil, Big Agriculture and Big Business…

They want to maintain an intimidating military presence around the world, build an impregnable border (with Mexico), support a massive prison system and balance the federal budget without taxing anyone – especially the rich…

They don’t mind pouring billions of dollars into U.S. bases all over the globe, which stimulates foreign economies, yet they are bent out of shape by a food stamp program that pours a few dollars into the domestic economy…

They want to keep wages low while keeping profits high, forgetting that it’s spending by the workers that produces the sales from which profits come…

They think that by making the rich richer, they will get jobs from the rich, forgetting that the super-rich and mega-corporations are not American but global. These fat cats take America’s money and spend it wherever in the world they can get the cheapest labor and the biggest bang for the buck.

I could go on but I’m sure you get the picture.

So tell me – how in the world were the Republicans able to package that kind of logic in a way that so many Americans found acceptable?