Sweet Jamaica

Lanarda Morris – Yaadinfo Contributor

Jamaican Cuisine“Sweet sweet Jamaica, nah lef yah!” – The song was befitting. It complemented the true beauty of the Jamaica’s countryside and I echoed Mr. Wales as I traversed my island’s rural quarters. From the concrete jungle that is Kingston to the “bread basket” parish of St. Elizabeth, the scenery was stimulating and natural.  What an island paradise!.

Fruit trees, sea shores never-ending, isolated and winding roads embraced and shaded by overgrown trees and shrubbery – an embrace to make one feel free from harm and fear. Yeah, that’s Jamaica!

Travelling along there was no shortage of vendors peddling their wares. Hands and stalls filled with all types of goodies for travellers. They offered fresh fruits, shrimp, peanuts, fish – you name it, It deh deh!

It was a summer’s drive defined by children out in their numbers, frolicking in the abundance of natural resources available to them.  Did I mention Jamaica is full of little rivers? I saw a group young boys (no older than 10 years) having a ball in pools of water whose source was some nearby river. Some were naked while others sported their briefs. Haha… pure innocence on the side of the road!  I smiled as I passed. Seeing those boys enjoying themselves made me realize that I never had that growing up in the concrete jungle.

St. Elizabeth boasts a booming eco-tourism tour at the Black River Safari. Here, nature lovers can enjoy a raft tour of Jamaica’s longest river – Black River – and observe the wildlife which includes alligators.



alligator pond fishing boatMy final destination was a place called Little Ochi in Alligator Pond.  Little Ochi is a restaurant by the beach where diners enjoy seafood the Jamaican way. I had garlic lobster and steam fish with all the favourites – okra, potato, carrots and festival.  Hmm… very yummy.

Eventually it was time to bid farewell to Little Ochi, Alligator Pond and St. Elizabeth in pursuit of Kingston. Although it was bittersweet, the feeling of having another scenic tour made me happy.

“Nah lef yah…nah lef yah!”… yupp! That’s my sweet Jamaica.