In recognition of the value of encouraging Jamaican students to continue to shine, the Jamaica Association in Switzerland recently contributed a complete public address system as well as a computer and printer to Holland High School in Trelawny, Jamaica.
Mr. Marlon Campbell, Vice-principal of the school journeyed to Kingston at the end of the summer, to accept the gifts on behalf of the Principal, School Board and students, from Mr. Paul Whylie, President of the Jamaica Association in Switzerland.
With hundreds of students in its care, the performance of the rural school in intellectual and technical fields is a critical part of the success of young Jamaica. In a recent update, Mr. Campbell said, “The Holland High School students and teachers are busy making good use of the equipment”.
The public address system, computer and printer were purchased out of the profits made on the Jamaica Association in Switzerland’s inaugural Bob Marley fête held last May. The newly-formed Association’s aim is to assist other Jamaican educational institutions through upcoming events that will be staged in Switzerland.
The Jamaica Association is composed of both nationals and friends of Jamaica who reside in Switzerland. The members will endeavour to promote a vibrant cultural exchange between Switzerland and Jamaica, as well.