The Friday Chicken Foot Stock Index

8-casserolechart-030209.jpeg8-casserolechart-030209.jpegThank God it’s Friday has taken on new meaning for you!

With a momentary sense of relief you amend this statement to say

“Thank God it’s Friday and I still have a job!”

You did not hear that kiss of death phrase, “The boss wants to see you”.

“How do I become my boss’s MVP?” haunts your mind, but that self discussion is for another day.


Have to call Marge to see how she is doing with her job hunting this week.   Poor chile, last week, she got pre-fired. (Job disappears before one formally applies)


As you head home you remember the cupboard is empty so you stop by the supermarket to pick up a few items.The kids have been complaining about all the Chinese noodle soup you have been having lately.  You need to switch it up some.You pass the meat counter and just keep going to the can food section.  You pick up a half a dozen cans of Spam, the new bully beef.


You then pass by the price for quick sale table and see that Jancrow has been there already.Your cell phone rings at it is Roy, your husband.  He is calling to see if he can have the guys over on Saturday night for a game of dominoes.


You kiss your teet and ask him why the game is always at your house before you hang up.You decide to swing back by the meat counter to see if there is anything on sale worth considering, and then a special visual crystallization takes place.


All of a sudden these two items seem to jump out of the crushed ice bed in the display; chicken back, and chicken foot. 


Your nutritional brain becomes engaged, and rule out the back due to its high fat content.  Your brain is also stretched to count off all the myriad of meal options that can be created with the foot- soup, curry, —.


The story above was written by my marketing mind that placed myself in the mocassins of a Jamaican consumer. (Let me know if you think I am smoking some of that Latin lettuce).


Other food companies have been wondering about the cash-strapped consumer and providing solutions to attract them to their product. For example, the graph below shows a marketing correlation between tuna-noodle casserole and the Dow index.



The casserole is making a big comeback as it is cheap, and easy to prepare.  Campbells Soup have also noted that 7 of the top 10 recipes are for casseroles.


Well, I have not decided to become a food blogger, but was interested in :

what innovations at the grocery store are you making to stretch the food dollar?


I want to give someone 


The lemmonade maker of the month award.





 will listen to you too, who knows….