You are probably reeling from the latest horror inflicted on civilization by the terrorists. Who wouldn’t be shaken this morning? All those kids – preteens and early teens slaughtered and maimed in the Manchester bombing. It’s enough to leave anyone shaken
But I am sure the bombing hasn’t made you more sympathetic to the rogue Islamic religion the terrorists are trying to impose on the world.
Terrorists of various ideological sripes have been perpetrating atrocities for as long as I can remember. And I can’t think of one cause that won acceptance in that way.
What do terrorists achieve by acts of nightmarish horror? Publicity of course. The media helps them grab the spotlight. But what good does that kind of publicity do for their cause?
I would think those acts of terror make us even less receptive to the doctrines they’re supposed to be promoting.
Remember how the early Christians spread the word? By being martyrs, by kneeling meekly as lions were set upon them in Nero’s Rome. It was their stoic submission to violence and their persistence in keeping the faith that won converts.
Remember Mahatma Gandhi (illustration at right)? His passive resistance was key to freeing India from British rule.
And remember Nelson Mandela (photo below)? He helped heal South Africa’s wounds by forgiving the atrocities committed against the country’s black citizens by the earlier white regimes.
Considering the successful religious and social movements of the past, I wonder why anyone would resort to butchery as a way of furthering a cause – especially a religious cause.
And I have to conclude that their driving force is one of sheer malevolence, a sadistic urge to inflict suffering and spread fear. Obviously, the Islamic banner these terrorists assume is mere window dressing. They’re not followers of Mohammed – or any other prophet – they are possessed by the demons of hate.